Published: 27.04.2021.
Updated: 17.04.2024.
Updated: 17.04.2024.
- Regulation of the Lotteries and Gambling Supervisory Inspection
- Information to be included on the compliance certificates of slot gaming machines, equipment and slot machine game programs
- Regulations on the introduction and maintenance procedure of the single gaming machine control and monitoring system, data to be included in the system and procedure for the exchange of this data
- Procedure for Registration and Marking of the Gambling Slot Machine, Equipment and Game Program of the Gambling Slot Machine
- Unified procedure of bookkeeping accountancy for organization of gambling and lotteries
- Procedure whereunder report about organization of gambling and lotteries has to be submitted
- Regulations on the information that shall be included in the conformity review of game programmes used to organize interactive gambling or interactive lotteries
- Regulations for operating systems used to sell interactive gambling, interactive lottery and lottery tickets and collect entry fees
- Procedure, how businessman informs about the lottery of goods and services which fund of gains is not more than 500 Latvian Lats
- The Procedure on Submission of the Report on organizing Lottery of Goods or Services
- Procedure Regarding Processing of Registration of Casino Visitors and of Information to be Included in the Register of Casino Visitors
- Procedures for Supervision and Control of Organizing of Lotteries of Goods and Services