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In accordance with the Gambling and Lotteries Law, the first paragraph of Article 3 of RL No gambling can organise the only person who, in accordance with Section 3 of this Law has received a licence.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    The possibility of onsite service requested - shall submit a submission for receipt of a licence of the organisation of gambling. In order to obtain a licence of the organisation of gambling, a capital company shall submit to the Lotteries and Gambling Supervisory Inspection a submission accompanied by:
    1) of the last full year of the current year quarterly financial reporting Transcript (balance sheet and profit or loss account) on economic activity during the reporting period, if a capital company carries out commercial activities;
    2) information on the capital and the amount of lending and loan repayment time-limits on the date of application submission;
    3) with the transaction documents justified information regarding the equity capital of the origin of the money and property;
    4) the capital of a development plan for next year of operation, including forms of gambling, the expected amount and distribution of revenue and expenditure, output and consumption;
    5. the fact that the councils of capital companies and members of the board of directors and auditors fulfil the requirements of Section 9 of this Law.
    In addition to the examination of submissions received requested information on the issuance of a licence of the organisation of gambling, Lotteries and Gambling Supervisory Inspection is entitled to request additional information on:
    1) of the members of the capital company or shareholders to discuss their finances and reputation;
    2) capital companies board of directors and council members, auditors, to discuss their compliance with the requirements of Section 9 of this Law;
    3) of the cancelled a capital company;
    4) in the equity capital or property of their origin;
    5) development plan for next year of operation the following information.

  2. Receipt of services
    Receipt of services according to the application of choice.

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